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Tu sais comment l’on se sent après être allé chez la coiffeuse pour une coupe de cheveux tout à fait différente. Évidemment, on est différent à l’extérieur, mais l’on a également ce petit quelque chose qui pétille à l’intérieur. Comme un « boost » d’assurance ; une légèreté qui ressemble à celle que l’on ressent après le grand ménage du printemps.
Today that's how we feel at Ovation. In the last month, we took a moment to introspect.
This introspection allowed us to redefine several things, including our reason for being and the way we present ourselves.
Today, I’m talking about the 2nd aspect, the brand image or our « branding », as we say in marketing. Ovation’s new logo is composed of a simple signature and a symbol that can be read in several ways.

The signature is a visual representation of a standing ovation. The 2 "O's" in the name echo each other to represent that person who stands up at the end of the show to cheer the artist. It is a simple signature with a solid and stable font. The ovation is symbolized rather than illustrated for a more modern and timeless look.

What can you see in the symbol now? First of all there is a stage in the center and spectators around it. We want to contribute to bring people together, to connect them. You can also see a projector with its 4 flaps and the light in the center. Then, if you focus on the circle and on the upper part only, it is an eye with its eyelashes. It is wide open, captivated by the show. Finally, this same shape can also represent a head with a crown, it's the client king!
To conclude, a quick word about our " hairdresser-stylist ". The new image was developed by a talented graphic designer named Roxane Gariépy. If you like what she did with our logo, I invite you to watch the interview (in french) realized with her or at consult its portfolio.
Thanks and talk to you soon,

Jonathan Roy
Customer Experience Manager