
1. The metamorphosis

Unite and simplify

Nous avons observé que le message de confirmation associé à l’achat d’une carte de membre créait parfois de la confusion au moment de la liaison entre la nouvelle carte et le compte Web du client. En effet, le contenu de ce courriel était approprié que pour les cartes de membre ayant été achetées au guichet

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1. The metamorphosis

Two in one

Your performance is important to us, and we're always interested in hearing your comments. A few promoters have mentioned to us that, although the confirmation e-mail following a purchase reaches the recipient, some of their customers do not receive the second e-mail containing the tickets associated with that purchase.

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1. The metamorphosis

Universal mode

Many of you have migrated to the new Memor K validation device for validating tickets. Compact, fast and ergonomic, this reliable terminal delivers impressive performance.

Mais saviez-vous qu’il offre un avantage distinctif en pouvant être fonctionnel dans toutes les circonstances? Bien entendu, son usage normal est prévu pour

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1. The metamorphosis

Drum roll

C’est avec un immense plaisir et beaucoup de fierté que nous dévoilons aujourd’hui notre tout nouveau site Internet. Le moment était venu de repenser et d’entièrement redessiner notre site Internet corporatif. Étant maintenant mieux adapté à notre clientèle, son contenu des plus complet est au goût du jour et plus dynamique. La description de chaque

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1. The metamorphosis

Yellow bus

I'm not telling you anything new when I say that school classes can be a very interesting clientele for any presenter. Not only do they allow you to liven up your venue by presenting shows during the day, they're also an excellent way of developing tomorrow's clientele.

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1. The metamorphosis

The 2.0 event card

Several months ago, in fact at the same time as the first iteration of the memo module, we tested a first version of the event card with a few venues. Reception was mitigated, with some fearing a loss of autonomy in the creation of their performances.

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1. The metamorphosis

You will not pass

Like the great Gandalf in front of the devil, the brave ticket agents stand up to men, women and children with invalid tickets every night of the show to prevent them from passing. The parallel is SO obvious...

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1. The metamorphosis

The big brother

When I was young, movies often featured the big, strong brother protecting his little brother. The little one would get bullied and the big one would come to the rescue. That's probably why when I was young, I idealized having a big brother...

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