
5. Others

Ram dam dam wa la dou

« C’est le temps des vacances… » nous chantait Pierre Lalonde, alors que Véronique et les fantastiques nous fredonnent « C’est l’été et c’est fantastique ».

Yes, the warm season has arrived. Perhaps for you, it's a less busy time of year, allowing you to take a breather after a busy season? For others, this season will be synonymous with effervescence and big projects, with summer theater, festivals, outdoor performances and so on. If not, you'll undoubtedly have some planning to do for next season.

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5. Others

Voice purchases

No, we're not referring here to sales made by voice over the phone or at your counter. Rather, we're having fun with the idea that voice assistants, such as Siri, Alexa, Cortana, Google Home and others, make it possible to make online purchases without moving or even using your fingers. According to a spring 2023 study, 30% of adult Quebecers use a voice assistance service to ask for the outside temperature, check the news, control other smart devices, etc.

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5. Others

Scams and frauds

Every industry can be threatened by fraud, and ticket sales are no exception. Unfortunately, it's easy for fraudsters to fool innocent buyers. Repeatedly reselling the same electronic ticket or buying tickets with a fraudulent credit card are just some of the techniques used by scammers.

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5. Others

Are you compliant?

Alors que les nouvelles exigences de la loi 25 viennent d’entrer en vigueur, La Presse publie qu’une analyse des pratiques réelles de PME montre que seulement 3 % d’entre elles ont réellement implanté l’ensemble des pratiques nécessaires pour se conformer.

On September 22, phase 2 of legislation 25 came into force. This reform modernizes the provisions governing the protection of personal information so that they are better adapted to the challenges of today's digital environment. This amendment applies to all companies and organizations.

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5. Others

Red Carpet!

September already, a sign that the summer season is drawing to a close! Nature is preparing to show us all her splendour, with warm colors tinged with gold and flamboyant reds. It's the season of generous harvests and abundance.

September is also synonymous with the back-to-school season. Back to school, back to television and back to culture.

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5. Others

Summer promises to be a show

Here we go! Summer's officially here at last, and it's bringing its usual breath of fresh air with the end of school, more hours of sunshine and more time for countless activities. Of course, a swim at the beach, a picnic in the park, a hike in the woods or a BBQ with friends in the glorious sunshine are perfect moments to recharge your batteries. 

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5. Others

Less is more !

Have you ever heard this emblematic English phrase: "Less is more"? Having studied graphic design, these words were repeated like a religious doctrine. But what does this phrase really mean and why is it important?...

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