* This article has been translated with a translation tool.

I recently had the chance to realize one of my long-held dreams, teaching in my field of marketing. Since August, I've been taking on a teaching load at the Séminaire de Sherbrooke for the course Sales Techniques as part of the Web Marketing Manager program.
It's a condensed course that trains students to promote products and services using digital marketing. Among other things, they learn how to create newsletters, landing pages, social media advertising, video editing and a range of other tasks designed to promote a brand.
How can this help you?
You're probably wondering what this has to do with you, and what marketing boost I'm referring to.
As part of the program, our students are required to complete a one-month work internship. It's an opportunity for them to discover the realities of the workplace, build their portfolio and put their learning into practice. It's an online course, so students come from all over the province, and the internship can also be done remotely.
So, if you need help, this could be the opportunity to get a few newsletters written in advance, improve your social media presence, or simply start that project you've been wanting to do but never had the chance to get started.
If you're interested, drop me a mail and I'll help you get started. I can even advise you on the choice of students 😉
Thanks and talk to you soon,
Jonathan Roy
Customer Experience Manager