
2. The pro's advice

Two marketing tools working in synergy

As mentioned in one of our previous communications, we've made a number of graphical reports available to you in the Reports 3.0 section, which has just been added to your ticketing service. In the Performance report, we've just made an addition that will benefit Marketing Cloud users.

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2. The pro's advice

Clarification of our opening hours

J’entame cette année avec une clarification quant à notre horaire. Plusieurs croient que nous fermons quotidiennement à 16h30. J’aimerais préciser que seul le service aux clients web se termine à 16h30 permettant de traiter les derniers appels pour 17 h. Officiellement, Ovation est ouvert du lundi au vendredi de 8 h à 17 h pour

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2. The pro's advice

Easier grant applications

Pour vous faire gagner un temps fou lors de vos demandes de subvention, il existe actuellement 3 rapports qui fournissent toute l’information dont vous avez besoin. Ces rapports sont regroupés sous l’onglet Rapport par gabarit qui se trouve actuellement vers la fin de la liste, sous Statistiques et rapports. Dans ce menu, vous trouverez un

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2. The pro's advice

Lost tickets, replaced tickets

In order to offer more security to your customers, a few months ago we deployed an update that replaces the tickets when reprinting. Indeed, each time you send a ticket to print, the ticket number and its barcode are replaced...

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2. The pro's advice

Some great tools for grey days

In the last few days, the news has not been good. So, to help you get through these grey days, here's a summary of some tools to help you deal with the situation...

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2. The pro's advice

Change distancing in 8 steps

With COVID finally losing ground and the rules slowly loosening, you'll probably want to take advantage of the situation. However, planning a new representation with a different distancing algorithm before migrating all clients takes hours of work...

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