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A few months ago we began reworking the reports with our observations and your valuable comments. The primary objective was to make the use of the data simpler for all users.
This is another major project that we have decided to divide into several stages in order to make it accessible more quickly. Today, we are starting to test the first improved version of the reports at a customer site.
Here are a few points that have been modified in line with your suggestions, and which can be found in this first version.
- The menus have been brought together under a single heading called “ Reports ”;
- The various reports have been grouped under broad categories, each of which covers the same subject;
- Navigation to access the various reports has been completely redesigned;
- Screen ergonomics, including the report generation criteria selection pages, have also been redesigned;
- All of this is now available in a web version.
Coming soon
It was also decided to develop visuals to accompany the various tables. The next version should therefore include the addition of some graphics for selected reports.
We'll be sure to keep you posted on progress, and hope you'll comment on the various versions as we make them available.
I'll also be coming back to you in the autumn for your feedback on another important project, the creation of representations.
Thanks and talk to you soon,
Jonathan Roy
Customer Experience Manager