
3. Marketing 4.0

Fast as lightning!

It's already September. The vacations are over and students are back in school. We've blinked and summer has flown by!

You're busy preparing for your season, filled with a variety of shows, each as entertaining as the next. You're excited to welcome the big-name artists who are your headliners, and feverish for the up-and-coming talents. Will these emerging artists draw the crowds you're hoping for?

To help you plan your marketing strategies, we thought we'd remind you of the promotional tools made available to you by Ovation. They have been designed over time to boost your sales and help you achieve your objectives.

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3. Marketing 4.0

Show recommendation explained

The simplest way I've found to explain how our show recommendation system works is to draw a parallel with the game: Battleship. This game, which first saw the light of day in 1930 with a paper version, and was popularized by Milton Bradley from 1967 onwards, is a strategy game that has stood the test of time. The aim is simple: find your opponent's ships before he finds yours.

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3. Marketing 4.0

The secret of machine intelligence

« Si l’on attend d’une machine qu’elle soit infaillible, elle ne peut pas être intelligente » Alan Turing –père de l’informatique théorique et élève de John Von Neumann, concepteur de l’IA moderne.

Comme c’est le cas pour les humains, les « machines » ou les ordinateurs apprennent de leurs erreurs. Toutefois, là où la machine à un avantage de taille, c’est que l’on peut utiliser les apprentissages déjà faits par d’autres machines pour arriver à un niveau de maturité beaucoup plus rapidement.

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5. Others

Ram dam dam wa la dou

« C’est le temps des vacances… » nous chantait Pierre Lalonde, alors que Véronique et les fantastiques nous fredonnent « C’est l’été et c’est fantastique ».

Yes, the warm season has arrived. Perhaps for you, it's a less busy time of year, allowing you to take a breather after a busy season? For others, this season will be synonymous with effervescence and big projects, with summer theater, festivals, outdoor performances and so on. If not, you'll undoubtedly have some planning to do for next season.

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1. The metamorphosis

On the road to new reports

Here's a look back at recent discussions on the subject of reports. Thank you to those who attended one of the meetings and shared their experiences. Your feedback is important to us, and we'll be using this information to define how reporting will work in the ticketing system we're developing?

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3. Marketing 4.0

A Window on the Entertainment World

If there's one goal that every player in the performing arts shares, it's to bring our artists and our culture to the attention of the general public. At Ovation, this means developing a wide range of marketing tools to promote your programming to your audience.

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3. Marketing 4.0

Subjected to a battery of tests

As we've mentioned a few times, we've been actively working on marketing and artificial intelligence for just over two years now. This work has resulted in various tools and processes that we have made available to those who have made the step towards Marketing Cloud.

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3. Marketing 4.0

Customer segmentation

Customer segmentation consists of dividing an organization's database into groups of customers who share similarities and whose behavior presents an opportunity or a sign of decline. The aim of this segmentation is to tailor our strategies to treat each customer in such a way as to maximize their value to the organization.

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3. Marketing 4.0

We want to know it all!

In our industry, data is crucial to guide our decisions, develop our strategies, measure and compare our performance, identify trends, make projections... For this reason, we always collect as much data as possible. This raw data speaks to you, but producing specific reports from it is much more evocative.

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