Fast as lightning!

* This article has been translated with a translation tool. 

It's already September. The vacations are over and students are back in school. We've blinked and summer has flown by!

You're busy preparing for your season, filled with a variety of shows, each as entertaining as the next. You're excited to welcome the big-name artists who are your headliners, and feverish for the up-and-coming talents. Will these emerging artists draw the crowds you're hoping for?

To help you plan your marketing strategies, we thought we'd remind you of the promotional tools made available to you by Ovation. They have been designed over time to boost your sales and help you achieve your objectives.

  1. Packages: boost your sales by combining related products (drinks or meals at the new local restaurant) with a main event.
  2. Subscriptions: bundle events (on a fixed or variable basis) to encourage loyalty and commitment among your fans, and to stimulate the purchase of less popular shows.
  3. Gift cards: give your customers the opportunity to offer a physical or virtual card as a gift, which can be used to pay for a future purchase. Enhance the offer by adding an extra $10 or $15 for every $100.
  4. Membership cards: create loyalty programs by offering your members exclusive discounts and pre-sales to encourage them to make more frequent purchases.
  5. Exclusive discounts: use advantageous rates with or without limited quantities, promo codes, exclusive links shared strictly with a target audience to boost sales.
  6. Group sales: offer volume discounts such as 15% off for groups of 12 or more, or one free ticket for every 20 purchased.

With your innovative ideas and our high-performance tools, all your tickets will fly off the shelves, like summer, at lightning speed. Need help implementing one or more of these strategies? Don't hesitate to contact us.

Enjoy the 2024-2025 season.


On your marks, get set, go!

The Ovation team