Event creation

* This article has been translated with a translation tool. 

As mentioned in the previous newsletter, I'm coming back to you today to ask your opinion on an important subject. We'd like to organize another focus group, as we did for the reports. This time, it's to discuss event creation.

We know that this is an important subject for you, and that you spend a lot of time building up your various events. The purpose of this meeting is to get your feedback on your current experience. We want to know what you like and dislike, what you find complex, what you use regularly and which features you hardly ever touch.

This way we'll be able to improve the tool and speed up the creation process for you. We may also have a few examples to show you, and of course we'd be interested to hear your first impressions of them.

Although the first meeting was open to all, this time we'd like to have only the people who actually do the work of creating the shows. If several of you share this task within your organization, there's obviously no problem with all of you attending.

The meeting will take place at the beginning of November, and the date will be made official next week so that you can block it in your calendar. To register your availability, please fill in the meeting Doodle.

We hope to see you at the meeting to share your feedback on Ovation once again. Thanks to your feedback, we're currently developing the future of ticketing.

Thanks and talk to you soon,

Jonathan Roy
Customer Experience Manager